Ensures that the customer requirements and deliverables at all stages of Design, Planning, Services, Testing and after sales activities.Strives to maintain an effective level of conformance towards the implementation during all stages of management activities. Has established the quality policy, which is appropriate to the purpose, ideology and corporate principles of the firm. Conducts management reviews to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness and to assess the opportunity for improvement and the need for changes to the Quality.
M/s Lucky Phone Management ensures that customer
requirements are determined and are met with the aim
of enhancing Customer satisfaction by;
* Customer Surveys
* Customer Complaint
* Customer Feedback
Management Reviews the results of internal / external
audits, customer needs assessment, and receives
customer feedback data on a regular basis as a
function of Management Review.
M/s Lucky Phone designs, develops, supply optical
fiber cable, accessories and provides telecom
solutions to meet customer’s expectation.
To create a challenging and rewarding work
environment with a proactive management that
encourages our employees to work with commitment
and dedication.
The policies, objectives, responsibilities, and infrastructure of M/s Lucky Phone.
This includes:
Customer interaction
Resource management
Services realization
Monitor, measure & analysis for continual improvement